
Quayside Properties Limited (Quayside) owns the land comprising Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the Rangiuru Business Park, being approximately 40% of the land within the zoned Rangiuru Business Park. This website is owned by Quayside and the material contained herein relates only to the Quayside land at Rangiuru. 

Whilst every care has been taken in preparing this website, all information setout herein (including any specification, illustration, plans and forecasts) is indicative only, is subject to change without notice, and may not be relied upon by any person.

This website is not intended to provide the basis of any investment decision or any other risk evaluation and may not be considered as a recommendation or advice by Quayside or any other person in connection with the Rangiuru Business Park. The information on this website is general information only and does not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of individual purchasers. Each purchaser should determine its interest in the Rangiuru Business Park on the basis of all independent investigations that it considers necessary or desirable.

Neither Quaysidenor its directors, employees, representatives or agents give any representation or warranty (express or implied) about any information, opinions, statements, claims and forecasts in this website, or the accuracy, completeness, reasonableness, reliability or enforceability of this information or any documents referred to in this website. Any liability of Quayside to any other person or entity arising out of this website is, to the maximum extent permitted by law, expressly disclaimed and excluded.

Quayside is not responsible for any omissions or errors or under an obligation to update information contained in this website. Information, opinions, statements, claims and forecasts in this website depend on the accuracy of any information and assumptions on which they are based, and on prevailing market conditions, for which Quayside does not accept responsibility.  Quayside will not be liable, including for negligence, for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential losses or damages arising out of or in any way connected with use of or reliance on anything expressed or implied in this website or any other information provided at any time by Quayside.

Any images, concepts, diagrams, opinions, statements, claims forecasts or estimates are for marketing purposes only, are point in time views and aspirations based on certain assumptions and qualifications which may not hold true. Actual outcomes, including imagery, buildings, the structure and look of the Rangiuru Business Park, are likely to differ significantly.  Quayside has no control over the development (including without limitation buildings, structure, designs or landscaping) of those parts of the Rangiuru Business Park which Quayside does not own. No reliance may be placed on any imagery purporting to represent the Rangiuru Business Park.

Potential purchasers must satisfy themselves as to all matters and seek independent legal and other appropriate advice.

This website does not form any part of any contract, offer or representation. Quayside reserves the right to terminate, at any time, solicitation of indications of interest in the Rangiuru Business Park or the further participation by any party.

This information may not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor may it be provided to any third party without the prior written consent of Quayside.

This information is current as April 2024 and is subject to change without notice.

© Quayside Properties Limited 2024