Unlocking the Bay of Plenty potential

The growth and prosperity of the Bay of Plenty Region is constrained, which continues to put pressure on infrastructure, housing, employment and accessible land.
To date, the under-supply of industrial land, coupled with the increasing demand, alongside the need for more housing and supportive transport, has created a pressure-cooker situation.

Quayside Properties has taken on the challenge of contributing to the solution. A thriving, connected, future-focused industrial business park that supports regional growth and invests in a future for us all.

Economic benefits

Economic growth in the Tauranga-Western Bay Sub-Region averaged 4.8%pa over the 10 years to 2023 compared with an average of 3.0%pa in New Zealand. The Business Park will continue to support the economic growth of the region throughout the construction phase and when fully operational.

  • $26m p.a. of economic benefit to the Western Bay of Plenty when complete (2021 dollars). *
  • $16.5 million to $55.4 million in economic benefit for the Western Bay of Plenty district, during each stage of construction *
  • Facilitating access to opportunities – circa 4,000 jobs (at full development)
  • Unlocking export growth (via rail/road) and providing access to opportunities for additional housing (estimated 15,000 at Te Kāinga and Te Puke)

Statistics above derived from NZIER 2021 Report

Environmental and social benefits

The Business Park will provide social and environmental outcomes that support the growth of a sustainable, resilient and liveable city. Notably, place-making  – the process of intertwining physical, social, ecological and cultural elements to create spaces that promote people’s health and well-being. This also delivers the ‘work’ component of the liveable city ethos of, live, work, and play.

  • Establishment of a 48-hectare stormwater pond and wetland. Ensuring stormwater retention provides ecological and environmental outcomes, with the wetland design deriving influence from the historical natural environments
  • Designed for multi-modal transport to access and move around the Park
  • Commitment to Mana Whenua for partnered works across cultural and environmental deliverables as Te Tiriti o Waitangi partners
  • Infrastructure to support reducing vehicle kilometers travelled (VKT) and carbon emissions, contributing to the Government’s Net Carbon 2050 targets
  • The project is a catalyst for supporting urban growth in neighbouring areas (Te Kāinga, Te Tumu, Pongakawa) which supports the live, work, play philosophy

Infrastructure Investment

As lead Developer, Quayside has significantly invested in the Park’s infrastructure, with the following infrastructure under construction and due for completion by mid-2025:

  • The construction of a 4-legged interchange, partly funded by Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) with the remainder being carried by Quayside
  • Installation of bulk infrastructure to service the Park, including;
  • wastewater rising main to Te Puke
  • pump stations
  • water reservoirs
  • a stormwater pond
  • road construction
  • fibre
  • power
  • Significant investment and economic activity (>$300 million) through the delivery of enabling infrastructure.

Population Growth

Tauranga-Western Bay sub-region’s total population was 222,600 in 2023, up 2.6% from a year earlier. Total population grew by 2.1% in New Zealand over the same period.

Population growth in Tauranga-Western Bay Sub-Region averaged 2.6%pa over the 5 years to 2023 compared with 1.3%pa in New Zealand.

Download the latest Western Bay Infometrics data here