Build the future, now.

The Rangiuru Business Park is being developed across four stages with Quayside owning 60 hectares of land across Stages 1 and 2.
The first stage is selling now, comprising approximately 14 hectares, with first title anticipated mid-2025.

Early commitment will allow for greater flexibility in lot size and positioning.

Land Purchase

Purchase your freehold site for industrial business use. Where possible site sizes can be tailored to the requirements of your business.

Development Partner

As a long-term investor in commercial and industrial property, we can look at the feasibility of developing a building with you to suit your needs, at one of our sites in Stage 1. Talk to us to explore development partnering opportunities with a long-term lease to your business.

Access global markets

via proximity to the Port of Tauranga

Cost efficiencies and flexibility

from being an early mover

Access to skilled labour

living within a 15-minute drive

How we add value

Experienced Team

Quayside has experienced in-house engineers, project managers and property development experts capable of working with you through the feasibility, design and construction process, depending on your needs.

Long-Term Investor

Quayside manages an investment fund with a commercial and intergenerational approach, operating successfully for 30+ years. Stable, committed and invested in the future of the Bay of Plenty.

Proven Results

Quayside has developed significant commercial sites with our valued partners including the Bay of Plenty Regional Council office building in Rotorua, Panorama Towers at Hamilton St and Te Papa Tipu, a building in Rotorua now tenanted by the Ministry of Primary Industries and the Department of Conservation.

Join the first movers

In 2004 Quayside initiated a plan change to rezone the land at Rangiuru from rural to industrial and develop the Rangiuru Business Park as a means of connecting the Western Bay of Plenty with the wider area. Today, Quayside owns approximately 60 hectares of land in the consented Rangiuru Business Park. The total developable area is 148 hectares, with much of that land owned privately by multiple landowners.

Quayside is the first developer at Rangiuru Business Park and through the Western Bay of Plenty District Plan, Quayside is required to develop certain key infrastructure in Stage 1 before other landowners can develop. The Quayside works at Stage 1a are due to be completed by January 2025.

Now is the opportunity to be a first mover alongside Quayside, capitalising on premium site locations and flexibility as to lot size and positioning.

Built Environment

Permitted activities

The Park is zoned industrial, with subdivision, earthworks and stormwater consents in place to take the development of State 1 through to the issue of subdivision titles. Actively striving to be environmentally friendly, providing sustainable outcomes, along with respecting the whakapapa and the mauri of the whenua (land) and its people, is of the utmost importance.
Permitted industrial activities are as set out in the Western Bay of Plenty District Plan.

Planning Rules

Rangiuru Business Park is zoned Industrial.

The key permitted development controls and performance criteria as set out in the Western Bay of Plenty District Plan.

Building Height

  1. Height does not exceed 20m

Yards and Setbacks

  1. All buildings and structures must be a minimum of 3m where a property adjoins a Rural Zone.***
    • ***This rule only applies to any properties on the perimeter of the business park
  2. Where a property adjoins a Strategic Road or a designation for a Strategic Road, that yard shall be 10m

Visual amenity – Streetscene**

  1. All building/structures shall be set back a minimum of 5m from the road boundary;
  2. Specimen tree planting required one tree every 10m along the road boundary.
    At least 50% of the setback required in 1. above shall be landscaped in the form of shrubs and groundcover species.
  3. Exterior walls facing a road with a surface area greater than 150m2 will require two design features listed in the Plan.
    • ** This rule has been edited


Acceptable noise limits within the industrial zone are set out below:

For full details on the planning rules, refer to the District Plan.

  • Site Scalability
  • Flexibility
  • Growth Corridor
  • Green Star Rating